Vegies vegetables
Verbal diarrhoea talking utter rubbish
you must have been Vaccinated with a gramophone needle! old slang phrase for talking to much
catch some ZZZ's go for a sleep
Zonked really really tied
Zebra crossing broad striped paint lines as a pedestrain crossing of a roadway
Zits acne
Zack was a sixpence which is now a five cents
yabbies small freshwater crayfish (lobster)
`He's a bit of a yobbo'
hard Yakka hard work
tell you a Yarn tell a story that maybe true or it might not be, that's for them to work out
Yapping talking none stop
Yahoo loudmouthed person which usually out of control in some way
Yobbo same as a yahoo but no values at all, looks like a slob always
noun (Latin: yobbus vulgaris); larrikin (see); wanker;
see you Yewse latter see you you all latter
Yabbie freshwater Australian crayfish
Ya tellin me someone said something you agree with, you say thatis
Yank American
Yacking talking a lot
your Yanking my chain or don't Yank my chain your telling a lie
Yarn Someone telling a fictional story
Yonks a long period of time
I going for a Kip short rest or sleep or nap
Knock shop a house of prostitution
she Knocked me back she didn't want to have sex with you
she's Knocked up she is pregnant
I Knocked off work time to go home from work
Knock something you criticise it
Knock-off a counterfeit product
get Knotted! is a angry way of say go now
you Kick the bucket you are dead
pack your Kit pack up all your belongings or your possessions
Kiwi someone who live in New Zealand (New Zealander)
you Know! mostly used by people who do not know what they are talking about, and hope
you do (habit phrase some aussies use on the end of a sentence)
you must have Kangaroos loose in the top paddock you going a little crazy
Kafuffle argument Or a disturbance
Keen as mustard enthusiastic about something
Knackers male testicles
Knickers female underwear
what do you Know? someone is try to open a discussion with you, in a friendly way
Kindy kindergarden
Kark to die
Kangaroo court people judging you in what they think you are doing wrong
cunning Kick hiding money from the wife
Kick in contribute money to something
Kick put money a side for later Kafuffle a disturbance of somekind
wacky weed/wacky backy/weed
colloq marijuana; also 'electric spinach', Dakka, pot,
noun chronic masturbator; verb to wank
`I've given up wanking!' (Not really, Kev)
noun Wellington boots; galoshes; overshoes
Wet, the
colloq The tropical rainy season, usually December to March
'Cairns is stinkin' bloody hot in the Wet'
noun; Ab. colloquial wine, usually in a flagon (see) or cask
noun killjoy; teetotaller; prude; do-gooder
`He's a fuckin' wowser'
For the entire list of 'Slang W's' see the Articles section on this site Aussie slang words: W's
undies: underwear
Up yourself full of yourself
Underdaks or undees underpants
Um-ah indecisive or can be doing something wrong
Uee or Uwe doing a U turn
someone got Up your nose they've really upset you and irritated and annoying you
Uni University
Ute utility (in the USA a pickup truck)
Up the gumtree someone that got them self in a spot of trouble, in a quandary
get the frog untied to depart or leave, hit the road
Up shit creek things are going wrong for you
Ocker Aussie that likes beer, sport and women and uncultured
good On ya mate well done there mate
Ooroo goodbye
Oz Australia
Outback remote part of Australia
Once over giving something the look over or checking it out
One armed bandit poker machine (sad to say the arm is being replaced by a button)
bun in the Oven pregnant
Off the beaten Track on a road not used very much, to no road at all or in a remote part of
Off like a brides nightie leave very quickly OR a stinks
Oldies parents
Off like a bucket of prawns in the hot sun leaving very quickly
Off-sider assistant or partner
Oy! a Aussie bush call
Ow-yar-goin how are you going?
Overlander driving sheep or cattle overlong distance in the outback
Out house tiolet (coming from the old days when a tiolet was down the backyard
Old's parents
septic; septic tank
noun An American (affectionately); rhyming slang (Septic tank = Yank)
`Jeez, youse septics are a funny bunch of blokes (see)!'
noun female; woman
`She's a top sheila!'
shit (itself)
colloq broke down in a major way; beyond repair
My bloody car's shit itself at last!
noun toilet; dunny (see); US='bathroom'
adjective awful; terrible
'I feel totally shithouse this mornin'.'
See the entire list of 'Slang S's' in the Articles Section on this site Aussie slang words: S's #1
Webber. A kind of barbecue involving a sort of kettle lid and specially bought charcoal and fire. There's a Webber in almost every Australian home and anything cooked in a webber tastes great mate. The only real disadvantage to this bastion of barbecueing devices is that no matter what time you start cooking anything in a webber it's never ready to eat untill about 11pm. Hence the phrase ready by eleven.
Prang automotive crash
Pull your head in mate tell them to mind their own business
Put up or shut up show you can do it or say it or keep quite
you are Raw Prawn you are easy to deceive
Postie Postman, mail delivery person
you Pong you smell or have a unpleasant odour
See the entire list of 'Slang P's' in the Articles Section on this site Aussie slang words: P's #2
see you in a Jiffy they see you in a short time
any old Joe blow will tell you any one you don't even know will tell you (someone
you do not know the name of)
I will Job you! I will hit you or punch you
had to use the Jerry its a pot under the bed if you need to go in the middle of the night
the thing is Jigged its broken or no long useful
I will fix your Jack and Jill I will pay your bill, usually in a restaurant
Just down the road someone says this, ask for more details because this could be 100
yards to a 1000 miles away
Jocks male underpants
Jumper usually a woolen a sweater
Jumbuck sheep
Journo journalist
Jaked broken
Jack of that you a feed up with something
down the John off to the tiolet
Jackaroo or Jillaroo trainee male or female Cattle Station hand
bye Jingos! exclamation of wonder
Jack-in-the-box someone who can not sit still
Joe Bloggs you are refering to the average citizen
Jaffle toasted sandwich (toasty toast)
Jack Dancer Cancer
Joe Blake a snake
Jarmies Pyjamas, bed clothes
Joker a male person, that you are unsure about
Ivories your teeth (to tickle ivories) to play the piano
something is bit Iffy its risky or suspect
you give me the Irrits they're extremely irritating
Idiot box television set
Illywhacker a stick for smacking a child with(not allowed to do anymore) I guess it makes you
ill, when you get hit. (not something I enjoyed as a kid)
you give me Irrits you are very irritating
Iffy something is questionable
Interesting !!!! used when someone asks how something looks or tastes and it is terrible
old man
noun (usually) father
`Her old man hates me'
Outback (the)
noun bush (see); the remote country areas of Australia
`I've been Outback for a few weeks'
getting a good Earbashing someone talking to you a long time
Elbow grease working hard (digging etc)
I could Eat a horse, and chase the jockey you are very very hungry
Esky large insulated box which you put ice bricks in, to keep food and drink cold(beer)
Evo evening
the day the Eagle shits pay day
phone is Engaged phone is busy
Face fungus man's beard, hair on the face
Five finger discount shoplifting
Fibber someone who tell lies
Funny farm mental institution
Full as a boot drunk
Flat chat or Flat out going very fast what ever they're doing
Fat chance someone has little to no chance of something happening
Fair dinkum someone really genuine
See the entire list of 'Slang F's' in the Articles Section on this site
Or Go To:
Quid money
Quack doctor
not the full Quid short on brains
you are a Galah loud, rudely behaved person
Ga day or G 'day a freindly welcome (same as hello or hi)
Gasbag talking alot
what's your Game what are you up to, something going on that is wrong
Good oh okay
Guffing off someone who is lazy
Grizzle complaining person
See the entire list of 'Slang G's' in the Articles Section on this site
Or Go To:
noun rubber sandals also known as `Japanese Riding Boots'
noun cans (tins) of beer
he's got Tickets on himself this person thinks they are the greatest, highly self opinionated
hang on a Tick wait a short moment
Thunder box toilet
See the entire list of 'Slang T's' in the Articles Section on this site Aussie slang words: T's
What are the physical aspects of Australia?
Who are some famous Australians?
What are the towns of Australia?
What are the Cities/towns of Victoria?
What are the Cities/towns of WA?
What are some Australian Phrases?
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What are the towns of South Australia?
What are some towns in Tasmania?
What are some places of interest in NSW?
What is the Emergency Number in Australia?
What Islands lay off the coast of Queensland?
What can I see in South Australia?
What are some places to visit in Western Australia?
What can I see in the Northern Territory?
What are some places to visit in Western Australia?
What are some places to visit in NSW?
What are the cities/towns of NSW?
What are the cities/towns of Queensland?
What is Aust. Literature 20th century?
How do Australians celebrate Christmas
What are the Aboriginal languages of Australia?
What plants are native to Australia?
What are the towns of South Australia?
What are the towns/cities of NSW?
What are the towns/cities of Tasmania?
What are Australia´s Land and Resources?
What can I do in Western Australia?
How do I find information in Australia?
What are some Australian Icons?
What are some towns in South Australia
What are some towns in South Australia
What is the ecconomic climate in Australia?
What are some places to visit in Western Australia?
What are the towns of South Australia?
How have Australian Aborigines been treated?
What is an Australian cattle dog?
What are the towns of Queensland?
How is Australia keeping the games green?
What animals are native to Australia?
What are the towns/cities of WA?
What are the cities/towns of Queensland?
What are the towns of the Northern Territory?
What is the history of Early European Exploration?
What are the towns of Queensland?
What are some towns in South Australia
Who was Shirley Smith (´Mum Shirl´) ?
What are the towns/cities of ACT?
What is the Geography of the ACT?
What is the history of Australia?
What are the towns of Queensland?
What is an Australian Terrier?
What is the Government of Australia?
What is Canberra like After Dark?
What art festivals were on during the games?
What are the d´s in Aussie Slang?
What is the history of the ACT?
Where can I eat out in Australia?
What are the water safety procedures in Australia?
What are the States of Australia?
What are some animals in Australia?
What is the Townsville region ?
What security precautions should I take in Australia?
What fauna is found in Australia?
What is the history of Australia?
What is the usual Australian Christmas fare?
What animals can be found in Australia?
What can I see in Coffs Harbour?
Where can I find a good collection of Australian photographs?
What is the history of ceramics in Australia?
What can I see on the Great Barrier Reef?
what snakes live in Australia?
What is the Aussie Way of Life?
What animals can be found in Australia?
What animals can found in Australia?
Who was Sir Douglas Nicholls ?
What is the Australian government?
How do I contact Ambulance, Fire, Police in an emergency?
What are the physical aspects of Victoria?
What animals can found in Australia?
Where do I eat out in Australia?
What is the history of Australia?
What are Australia´s Population Characteristics?
What are the rivers of Australia
What Religious celebrations take place in Australia at Christmas?
Do they have many holidays in Australia?
Can I celebrate Christmas Mass in Australia?
What is the history of Australia?
Who is Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth?
What are the Towns/cities of Queensland?
What are some Outback Travelling Tips?
What is the history of literature in Australia?
What is the history of literature in Australia?
What will I find on the East Coast Tasmania?
What is Government in Australia?
What is the history of Political Institutions in Australia?
What is the history of Australia?
What animals can be found in Australia?
What are the busses like in the ACT?
Is the Australian Echidna marsupial or mammal?
What is the history of The Founding of Sydney ?
What wildlife can be found in our oceans?
How do I get an Australian Visa?
Can I get traditional Christmas food in Australia?
What is education in Australia?
What are Australian dollar coins made of?
How much cash can I bring into Australia?
Who was Sir Garfield Barwick ?
What is the #3 Beach resort in Australia?
Where is the Sheraton Mirage Resort, Port Douglas?
Where are the The Victorian Goldfields?
What are the Natural Resources of Australia?
What is Surfing life in Australia?
What Was Australia´s view of the Interwar Years?
Who is Thomas Alexander Browne?
Where is Kakadu National Park?
Who is William Charles Wentworth?
What are some places to visit in Perth?
What is the history on Australia´s New Settlements ?
What is Australian Rules football?
What is the Government of Australia?
What do I do if attacked by a Crocodile?
What events take place in the ACT?
What is the #1 beach resort in Australia?
What is the history of north east of Victoria?
What is the history of Australia?
What is the history of Australia?
What are Australia´s States and external dependants?
How many states are there in Australia?
How do Australians celebrate Valentines Day?
Who was Andrew Barton (Banjo) Paterson ?
Where do I get tourist information in Australia?
What is Australia´s Defense force?
What towns/cities are in South Australia
What animals are native to Australia?
What is the history of Australia?
How do I stay safe on Australias Beaches?
What safety precautions should I take at the beach?
Who is Henry Handel Richardson?
What is Forestry and Fishing in Australia?
Where can I find information on the Western Australian State Governmen
Where is the Australian War Memorial?
What memorials should I see in Canberra?
What towns/cities are in the ACT?
What is the Olympic Games Motto?
What animals can be found in Australia?
What is Currency and Banking in Australia?
What was Australia´s Expanding Colonization From the 1820s to the 18
What is the climate in Australia?
What is the Olympic Arts Festival ?
What is the history of Australia?
Where is the National Gallery ?
Are there old historic dwellings in Canberra, ACT, Australia
Can I see many art galleries in Canberra?
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