Bunya Bunya Nuts

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What are bunya bunya nuts?

Bunya Bunya Nuts

Bunya Bunya Nuts (halved), Flavor - Similar to chestnut with a subtle pine overtone. Color and Appearance - Starchy white flesh with yellow central stalk. Woody shell 50mm in length, 25mm wide. Typical Uses - Slice boiled nut meat and use as a garnish or flavoring. Re-fry boiled nuts to make a pastry or use as a flavoring in desserts, sauces, or garnishing. Helpful Hints - Use shells for smoking meats. To remove meat from halved nuts simply bring the nuts to a boil in a minimum quantity of water (just covered). Storage and Packaging Sizes - Frozen, 1kg zip-lock bags (approx. 60 nuts per bag, 120 halves per bag).



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