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What are some towns in Tasmania?


Devonport Tasmania: at the centre of the north coast at the mouth of the Mersey River was founded as two towns. They merged in 1890 to become the city of Devonport. The terminal for the Bass Strait ferry service - the Spirit of Tasmania - is in this pleasant city. There are interesting features such as the Tiagarra Aboriginal Culture and Art Centre, the Maritime Museum, the Don River Railway and Museum and Home Hill, the house that Australia's only Tasmanian prime minister, Joseph Lyons, built when he married. Joseph and Dame Enid Lyons lived in the house, now owned by the National Trust, for the rest of their lives. It is preserved as they left it and open to the public.



4/4/2009 5:25:13 AM
Lorraine and Beau and Shaz said:

First time to Tassie I came on the Spirit of Tasmania. I had a good trip wasnt rough I am glad I set my alarm or I would of missed getting off lolol


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