Mutton birds

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Mutton birds

mutton birds
These birds get their name from their flavour. Their Aboriginal name is 'yolla' and their other common name is the short-tailed shearwater. They grow to about 40cm long, with wingspans of about 90cm. They are dark brown with pale underwings, shiny bills and short tails. They live and breed in burrows in the ground, to which they return year after year after an amazing migration through southern Australia, New Zealand, Japan and the west coast of America.



7/24/2007 5:20:34 PM
maria said:

i was wondering if anyone can help me in finding where to buy muttonbirds from, my brother is very sick and is on dialises and cant go back to new zealand , and he is really hanging out for them, i really dont know where to try as i live in melb and he lives in portland vic, can someone please help?thank you


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