How do I get there?

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Where is Tasmania?

How do I get there?

What times and what are the costs of passenger ships to Tasmania? Do They take cars and dogs?

The Spirit of Tasmania makes three return crossings per week between Melbourne and Devonport. The Spirit makes an overnight sailing, leaving port at early evenings and arriving the next morning approximately a 14 hour journey. The Devil Cat is a fast wave-piercing catamaran ferry, which is currently makes the journey from Melbourne to George Town in approximately 6 hours. The Devil Cat service operates from December to April. The Spirit and Devil Cat carry cars, campervans and caravans. Early bookings for both vessels are strongly recommended, in particular over the Christmas/New Year period. A limited number of kennels are available at a cost of $21.00 per pet per sailing. (Please note: There must be documentary proof of Hydatid Tape worm treatment for dogs and that they are not permitted in Tasmania's National Parks).



8/29/2011 10:21:23 PM
Jennie said:

THis is totally out of date. The devil cat has not operated for years and the ferries now sail daily to and from melbourne


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