October 23, 2009, Newsletter Issue #329: Samoan tsunami tragedy

Tip of the Week

Australians are no strangers to tragedy. Our roving nature means that at least a few of us can be found at the site of any world event. While Australia as a country is incredibly lucky to escape many of the environmental tragedies that have occurred in recent years, it is often that we lose men and women who are travelling overseas.

The tsunami that hit the South Pacific islands of Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga, has yet again wreaked havoc in the lives of people who could least afford it. Among the dead areaat least four Australians, with many more missing. Many new Australians await news of what has happened to relatives in their homeland.

In the face of such devastation, it seems trite to offer any sympathies to those affected. I cannot possibly imagine what it is like to wait for news of someone, or to pick up the pieces of life after an environmental tragedy like a tsunami. The world watches, waits, and hopes for better things for everyone suffering in the South Pacific. 

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