May 30, 2003, Newsletter Issue #121: A little bush tucker

Tip of the Week

My Tip of the Week: A Little Bush Tucker
Bush tucker has taken off in Australia over the past ten years. The Aboriginies have relied on the bush for their existence and now the knowledge imparted has taken the western world by storm.

Witchetty/Witjuti Grubs are just that: tasty grubs are like borers and found in live wood in stems, trunks, and roots of certain wattles. They are good sources of calcium and iron. An acquired taste like oysters, but I cannot eat them raw. Depending upon the wattle, they have different flavors. I have had them barbecued many times, without their heads. It`s a cultural thing like eating prawns with heads still on. But I do prefer them headless and I love them. They are hard to get and available in tins as soup.

Witjuti Grub Soup
Don`t even attempt to make this soup from scratch. Hassle your local deli to import this delicious soup in cans, and stun your next dinner party guests with authentic Australian. Add the following ingredients that you have processed to the tinned product:
* Garlic to your taste
* 2 teaspoons of peanut butter
* 2 x sliced and cooked onions
* 4 x sticks of celery

My Recommended Site of the Week
Australia Travel [WebCrawler]

Sydney and the South East, also including Canberra and ACT Ayers Rock, Kings Canyon, Alice Springs, Darwin, Kakadu, etc.

You can find a lot more on Bush tucker at this site.

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