December 20, 2002, Newsletter Issue #107: South Australian Wines

Tip of the Week

Barossa Valley:
The Barossa Valley is one of Australia´s major destinations, being known all over the world for its quality wines. A home to many major wine producers, this area produces over half of the countries wine.
To the east, flows the Murray River which is one of the largest river systems in the world. Irrigation introduced in 1887 transformed the northern section into lush paradise with a wide variety of attractions, from watersports to wildlife and of course delicious fruits and wine.
Population: 2,591 In the beautiful northern Mt Lofty Ranges, Clare nestles among wooded hills and orderly vineyards. Its earliest settlers were Irish, and it´s one of the few South Australian districts where an Irish influence can be detected in the lifestyle and culture. Clare is the centre of a prosperous pastoral community and an important wine industry. The Clare Valley´s slopes and valley floors provide a cooler climate for later maturation than in the Barossa Valley, and the district´s wines have a reputation for quality and character. It´s one of the most picturesque wine producing areas in Australia.

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