
What plants are native to Australia?


Para la mayor parte de los páramos de Australia son pequeños arbustos, pero algunas especies se producen como pequeños árboles. Se pueden encontrar en una variedad de hábitats y son un componente común de la vegetación baja, expuestos conocido como brezales. A menudo se encuentran en zonas de humedad constante, pero también se producen en los bosques templados y bosques abiertos, sub-zonas de alta montaña y la zona costera .......

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La gran familia de plantas que incluye el género Boronia se distribuye en muchas partes del mundo. Botánicamente la familia es conocida como la Rutaceae e incluye un número de plantas comercialmente importantes como el grupo de árboles frutales cítricos (naranjas, limones, limas, etc) y plantas ornamentales populares tales como Diosma que es nativa de Sudáfrica. En Australia hay alrededor de 40 géneros, muchos de los cuales se cultivan. El más cultivado de estos son los géneros en el grupo

En general, el grupo cuenta con plantas de Boronia bosques abiertos y bosques. Sólo rara vez se encuentran en las selvas tropicales o en zonas áridas. En general, el grupo se distribuye por toda Australia, pero ciertos géneros dentro del grupo puede ser restringida en su distribución (por ejemplo, Correa no se encuentra en Australia Occidental )........

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Banksia flores son muy pequeñas pero se presentan en racimos densos que, en algunas especies, puede contar varios miles de individuos. Banksias se clasifican en dos grandes grupos; Isostylis sub-género y subgénero Banksia. La primera se compone de sólo tres especies, todas nativas de Australia Occidental, y es reconocido por tener las flores en racimos en forma de cono. Este grupo es similar en muchos aspectos relacionados al género, Dryandra. El sub-género Banksia tiene sus flores dispuestas en los más o menos cilíndrica pico familiar para la mayoría australianos .......

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Acacia podalyriifolia

Acacia podalyriifolia
Descripción General:
podalyriifolia Acacia es uno de los más populares y ampliamente cultivadas de las barbas. Es un gran arbusto o pequeño árbol que alcanza cerca de 5 metros de alto por un margen similar. Como la mayoría de los miembros del género de la planta madura no tiene hojas verdaderas, pero tiene hojas como los tallos aplanados llamados filodios. En la A.podalyriifolia filodes son de color gris plateado en color, de forma oval y de largo 20-30mm.

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El Callistemon

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Una de las grandes características de grevilleas en los jardines (aparte de las flores de colores) es que muchos de atraer a los pájaros que comen la miel, que actúan como polinizadores para las plantas. Un número de especies se basan en otros métodos de polinización, por ejemplo, escarabajos, polillas, abejas, hormigas, e incluso pequeños marsupiales.

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Los eucaliptos
Hay alrededor de 500 especies de eucaliptos. Muchos son sensibles al sitio y tener preferencias de suelo particulares, como planicies de suelo negro, las dunas de silicio o yesosos, los suelos arenosos con contenido de cal, suelos derivados de arenisca, etc, mientras que otras especies se distribuyen en amplias gradientes geográficos y ambientales, y muestran una relativamente amplia tolerancia con el tipo de suelo ........

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Una especie muy común y extendida, es de gran importancia para ellos. El follaje se utilizó para cubrir a los muertos antes del entierro, que no tuvo lugar inmediatamente después de la muerte. Los familiares que visitan a la persona muerta de vez en cuando para observar lo que sucedía en las hojas que cubren, y había significado en la forma en que las hojas de la puesta. El cuerpo fue enterrado a una profundidad de alrededor de un brazo? S de longitud después de un mes y fue de nuevo puesto en y cubiertos por el follaje varti Varka (Eremophila longifolia).

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Melaleucas se conocen comúnmente como

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Los racimos de flores de la mayoría de las especies Dryandra son de color crema, amarillo, marrón o naranja en color. Hay una o dos especies en la inflorescencia puede tener un color rosado en ciertas formas (por ejemplo, D.praemorsa, D.fraseri).

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Pea flor

En Australia, hay cerca de 140 géneros y 1.100 especies de plantas de guisantes. Se encuentran en cada estado y territorio de Australia, desde los acantilados costeros a alpino áreas, desde los trópicos hasta el árido interior ....

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Hakeas general de flores en invierno y primavera. Las flores son seguidas por la semilla dura, leñosa cada uno con dos vainas de semillas y, en la mayoría de las especies, estas vainas permanecen herméticamente cerrados a menos que estimuló a abrir por el calor, tales como seguir un incendio forestal, o por la muerte de la planta. Las propias semillas tienen un ala como de papel que les permite ser distribuido por el viento ......

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Bush Casa de la Moneda

La Casa de Moneda de la familia Bush, conocido como el Lamiaceae (antes Labiateae) está muy extendida en todo el mundo y contiene una serie de bien conocidos, comercialmente plantas cultivadas que se utilizan en la cocina y de los perfumes ....

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Australia Frequently Asked Questions

What are the physical aspects of Australia?

Who are some famous Australians?

What can I see in Tasmania?

What are the towns of Australia?

What are the Cities/towns of Victoria?

What are the Cities/towns of WA?

What can I see in ACT?

What is Australia

What are some Australian Phrases?

What can I see in South Australia?

What are the towns of South Australia?

What are some towns in Tasmania?

What are some places of interest in NSW?

What is the Emergency Number in Australia?

What Islands lay off the coast of Queensland?

What can I do in Victoria?

what is slang?

How do I get to Tasmania?

Where is Ballarat?

What can I see in South Australia?

What are some places to visit in Western Australia?

What can I see in the Northern Territory?

Where can I go in Victoria?

What are some places to visit in Western Australia?

Who is Judith Wright

What are some places to visit in NSW?

What are the cities/towns of NSW?

What are the cities/towns of Queensland?

What is Aust. Literature 20th century?

what is slang?

Where is Tasmania?

How do Australians celebrate Christmas

What are the Aboriginal languages of Australia?

What plants are native to Australia?

What are the towns of South Australia?

What are the towns/cities of NSW?

What can I do in Tasmania?

What are the towns/cities of Tasmania?

What are Australia´s Land and Resources?

What can I do in Western Australia?

Where is Fraser Island?

How do I find information in Australia?

What are some Australian Icons?

What is vegemite?

What can I see in Queensland?

What are some towns in South Australia

What are some towns in South Australia

What is the ecconomic climate in Australia?

What are some places to visit in Western Australia?

What are the towns of South Australia?

What is surfing?

How have Australian Aborigines been treated?

What is an Australian cattle dog?

What are the towns of Queensland?

What is australia´s history?

How is Australia keeping the games green?

What animals are native to Australia?

What can I do in Sydney?

Who is Henry Lawson ?

What are the towns/cities of WA?

What are the cities/towns of Queensland?

Who is Morris West?

What can I see in Queensland?

Who is John Curtin?

What are the towns of the Northern Territory?

Who was Dame Enid Lyons ?

What is the history of Early European Exploration?

What are the towns of Queensland?

What are some towns in South Australia

What is Australia like today?

How can I tour Canberra?

What is aussie slang?

Who was Shirley Smith (´Mum Shirl´) ?

What are the towns/cities of ACT?

How do I get around Canberra?

What is the Geography of the ACT?

Where is Linderman Island?

What can I see in Queensland?

What is the history of Australia?

What are the towns of Queensland?

What is an Australian Terrier?

What can I do in Queensland?

What is the Government of Australia?

What are the towns of NSW?

What is Canberra like After Dark?

What art festivals were on during the games?

What are the towns of WA?

Who is Bob Hawke?

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What are the d´s in Aussie Slang?

What is the history of the ACT?

Who is Anne Geddes?

What is Tourism in Australia?

Where can I eat out in Australia?

What can I see in Queensland?

What can I see in Queensland?

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What are the water safety procedures in Australia?

What are the States of Australia?

What are some animals in Australia?

What is the Townsville region ?

How do I get to Canberra?

What security precautions should I take in Australia?

What fauna is found in Australia?

What is the history of Australia?

What is Culture in Australia?

What is the usual Australian Christmas fare?

What animals can be found in Australia?

What can I see in Coffs Harbour?

Where can I find Anne Geddes?

Where can I find a good collection of Australian photographs?

What is the history of ceramics in Australia?

What can I see in Queensland?

What can I see on the Great Barrier Reef?

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Who was Captain Cook?

What is the Aussie Way of Life?

What animals can be found in Australia?

What animals can found in Australia?

Who was Sir Douglas Nicholls ?

What is the Australian government?

Where is BEGA?

Do you have ATM’S?

Where is EDEN?

How do I contact Ambulance, Fire, Police in an emergency?

What are the physical aspects of Victoria?

What animals can found in Australia?

What is Cricket?

Where do I eat out in Australia?

What is the history of Australia?

Where is Cairns?

Where is Sydney?

What are Australia´s Population Characteristics?

What are the rivers of Australia

What is Aussie slang?

How do I claim my GST refund

Who is Prince Charles?

What is Australia Day?

What Religious celebrations take place in Australia at Christmas?

Do they have many holidays in Australia?

Can I celebrate Christmas Mass in Australia?

Where is Coffs Harbour

What is an Akubra?

What is the history of Australia?

What can I see in WA?

Who is Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth?

What can I see in Queensland?

What are the Towns/cities of Queensland?

What are some Outback Travelling Tips?

What is the history of literature in Australia?

What is a Crocodile?

Who is Dick Smith ?

Where is Brisbane?

What is the history of literature in Australia?

What will I find on the East Coast Tasmania?

What is Government in Australia?

What is the history of Political Institutions in Australia?

What is the Melbourne Cup?

What is the history of Australia?

What animals can be found in Australia?

What are the busses like in the ACT?

What is an Echidna?

Is the Australian Echidna marsupial or mammal?

What is the history of The Founding of Sydney ?

Where is Heron Island?

What wildlife can be found in our oceans?

How do I get an Australian Visa?

Can I get traditional Christmas food in Australia?

Where is Townsville?

What is education in Australia?

What are Australian dollar coins made of?

How much cash can I bring into Australia?

Who was Sir Garfield Barwick ?

What is the #3 Beach resort in Australia?

Where is the Sheraton Mirage Resort, Port Douglas?

Where are the The Victorian Goldfields?

What are the Natural Resources of Australia?

What can I see in Queensland?

What can I see in Queensland?

What is Surfing life in Australia?

What Was Australia´s view of the Interwar Years?

Who is Thomas Alexander Browne?

Where is Arnham Land?

What can I see in WA?

What is golf in Australia

Where is Kakadu National Park?

What can I see in Queensland?

What can I see in Queensland?

Where is Noosa Heads?

Who is William Charles Wentworth?

What are some places to visit in Perth?

What is slang?

What is the history on Australia´s New Settlements ?

What is Australian Rules football?

Who is Christina Stead?

Where is Bendigo?

What is the Government of Australia?

What do I do if attacked by a Crocodile?

What events take place in the ACT?

What is the #1 beach resort in Australia?

What is the history of north east of Victoria?

How do I get around Canberra?

How do I drive in Australia?

Who was Sir Henry Parkes ?

What is the history of Australia?

What is the history of Australia?

What are Australia´s States and external dependants?

How many states are there in Australia?

How do Australians celebrate Valentines Day?

What can I do in Ballarat?

Who is Phar Lap?

Who was Andrew Barton (Banjo) Paterson ?

Where do I get tourist information in Australia?

What is Australia´s Defense force?

What towns/cities are in South Australia

What towns are in NSW?

What animals are native to Australia?

Who was Truganini ?

What is the history of Australia?

How do I stay safe on Australias Beaches?

What safety precautions should I take at the beach?

Who is Henry Handel Richardson?

What is Forestry and Fishing in Australia?

Where can I find information on the Western Australian State Governmen

Where is the Australian War Memorial?

Who was Louisa Lawson ?

What is Aussie slang?

What memorials should I see in Canberra?

What towns/cities are in the ACT?

What is the Olympic Games Motto?

Who was Gladys Moncrieff ?

What can I do in the ACT?

What animals can be found in Australia?

Where is Sydney?

What is Currency and Banking in Australia?

What was the Goldrush?

What is a bogong moth?

Who is Able Tasman?

What was Australia´s Expanding Colonization From the 1820s to the 18

What is the climate in Australia?

What can I see in Queensland?

What is the Olympic Arts Festival ?

What is the history of Australia?

What is an Australian kelpie?

Where is Bowen?

Where is Lanyon Homestead?

Where is the National Gallery ?

Are there old historic dwellings in Canberra, ACT, Australia

Can I see many art galleries in Canberra?

Where is Melbourne?

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